Peepeeology – Online-Version of Pipilogie 1
Rainer Lange/Gert Naumann/Translated by James Blackwell
Urogynaecology is a rapidly growing speciality with a multiplicity of diagnostic evaluations, new standardisations, guidelines and Cochrane reviews and a wide spectrum of procedures, operations and concepts, some having stood the test, others being debated.
In everyday praxis it is impossible to read the large number of publications, textbooks on appearance sometimes are not up-to-date anymore. The Peepeeology delivers actual knowledge adapted to the everyday needs, presented by experienced clinicians and practitioners. The recipe-like step-by-step chapters should facilitate the use in clinic and praxis and I wish all the best to this booklet.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Eckhard Petri
Urogynaecology – University of Greifswald